With innovative projects BAGSO opens new avenues for an active, self-determined and healthy ageing.
- The Service Centre "Education and Learning in old age" offers senior citizens and multipliers information on learning and (digital) education in older age. The online portal wissensdurstig.de bundles educational offers for older people, provides material and disseminates good practice examples.
- BAGSO is participating in IN FORM - Germany's Initiative for Healthy Eating and More Exercise with "Im Alter IN FORM" (In older age IN FORM). The project trains stakeholders and advises leaders in over 60 pilot municipalities on how to promote a healthy lifestyle in old age.
- The network office "Local Alliances for People with Dementia" supports local dementia networks, which are committed to people with dementia and their relatives, with the exchange of experience, expert impetus and the transfer of know-how.
- The German Senior Citizens' Day takes place every three years with several thousand participants and many prominent guests and is the most important event in Germany on ageing. It is also the platform for dialogue, information and networking on all topics relating to old age. This nationally recognised forum is used by politicians, associations and society to discuss current issues relating to senior citizens' work and policy.
- The Secretariat for International Policy on Ageing informs about developments in the policy and practice around the globe, promotes cross-cultural exchange and brings the interests of older people into international politics.
- The “digital compass” supports older people with materials, digital round tables and on-site consultation at around 100 locations throughout Germany. Aim is to facilitate older people their way through the Internet.
- The DigitalPakt Alter (DigitalPact Older Age) is an alliance of partner organisations from government and local authorities, business, science and civil society, coordinated by BAGSO. It aims to support older people in their digital participation and provide suitable learning opportunities. The initiative collects existing good approaches to strengthening digital participation of older people at all levels and makes visible the need for action.
- The project "Artificial Intelligence for ageing well" aims to improve the learning opportunities for older persons. Furthermore, the project aims at networking with research and development in order to provide older persons and seniors citizens’ organisations with competences around the topic of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI).