Ageing well for all: visions for future policies and services
An international exchange
11 December 2024, online
What questions and concerns do people have when they think about their own ageing and old age? What will be the challenges for policymaking and society overall in the coming years? What services and policies are needed to ensure that both current and future generations of older people can age well?
These and similar questions about visions for futureproof, age-friendly policymaking have been discussed as part of the update of the Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS) of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) of the United Nations (UN). The RIS was developed more than 20 years ago. Hence, a new and futureproof strategy is to be developed. Member states of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) have the mandate to use participatory participation formats to involve civil society in this process.
The aim of the online workshop was to reflect together on existing social challenges and develop visions for a society for all ages. Participants have discussed ideas for future policymaking that can serve as motivation and a starting point for participation in social transformations in general and for the revision of the RIS in particular. The workshop was also an opportunity to present how civil society can contribute to this UNECE process.
The online exchange was part of the series ‘An engaged civil society as engine for an age-friendly society: an international exchange’. The central aim of the series is to strengthen the participation of civil society in updating the Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS) of MIPAA. The series of events, which comprises a total of six digital events until the end of 2026, gives representatives of civil society the opportunity to engage in dialogue with non-governmental organisations from countries in the UNECE region and to learn about international processes and developments.
The documentation of the event will be posted on this page shortly.
Slides of the presentation “Ageing well for all”
Information about previous events of this series
Conference “The voice of older people at the United Nations”
Online event “Promoting civil and political participation of older persons“